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Internal Communications

L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
02.02.2024 14:23

Howdy partner.

You're new... right? How do you do the overnight thing? I’d be faceplanted on my desk no later than 11PM... drool puddled up and everything.

You won’t see it until you get in tonight, but I got this memo from Ennis... You’re CC’ed so you’ll see it when you get in. At least we have something to do... right?

Take a look when you have a sec then shoot me a message here and let me know what you think. Great to meet you! Virtually, at least.

By the way, you can call me Ash. Everyone does.

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
02.03.2024 00:43

Hey, great to meet you as well. And yes, new here. Night owl, so it’s not too bad. Coffee helps.

Saw the memo from Ennis. Wasn't feeling great when I got here, but just sat down to take a deeper look.

To be completely transparent, I’m not even sure where to begin. Have you done anything like this before?

You won't see this message until you get back on Monday, I guess. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Talk to you soon.


L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
02.05.2024 10:02

I know your new, but don't hesitate to use sick time if you're not feeling well. This place can drain you.

And I have. It’s easy... sometimes weird... strange... unexplainable, maybe... but easy. Anyone with a half a brain could do it! Just don’t think too deeply about anything and we’ll be done before you know it.

Lists always help me, so let’s start there...

• Create a new databank on the fileshare
• Convert everything analog (paper docs, objects, photographs, etc) to digital (scan, upload, etc) from the archive bins that Ennis assigned
• Assign catalog ID’s, identifiers, etc.
• Make sure to reference the original archive bin
• Transcribe text descriptions

It looks like the first bin is all internal. Nothing transient yet but I'm sure that will be up next. Although there is that old reel-to-reel... we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I’ll start with the film. Looks like we just have the one.

Orientation Film #4. Four films for orientation? Damn, they really funded training back then, didn’t they? All I got was the Employee Handbook. There’s a note; the others got destroyed... improper storage. Of course. This one seems damaged too. Someone didn’t follow protocol, I guess! Oh well... makes our job easier.

You should see it in the databank when you come in tonight.

On to more pressing matters. What’s for dinner?

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
02.06.2024 00:43

Hey. Thanks for all of that. A list definitely helps. And thank you for getting the film done. I know that’s a lot of work.

I’ll get to work on these internal docs. You should see the first few of them in the databank when you get in tomorrow, assuming nothing crazy pops up tonight.

I did see that reel-to-reel you mentioned. I'm sure you've already assumed this, but I’m not sure how to manage that. If you could take a look during the day tomorrow, that would be great.

Also, quick question; what's with the names of these files? Moonlight House? Allegory Chamber?

Tuna sandwich, by the way.
