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Internal Communications

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
03.11.2024 04:08

Very funny. Can you please not do that again? I’m not trying to get in trouble this quickly.

L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
03.13.2024 10:30

Do you see this place?

Do me a favor. Stand up... look over the little walls of that tiny cubicle of yours. Do you see anyone else?

We won’t get in trouble if you just... stop... saying it!

And fine... apologies for the teenage-level maturity. Was building out the links, needed a placeholder... forgot to change it back. My bad. Thanks for fixing them.

Anyway... here, you’ll learn the phrase “1-on-1” is kind of meaningless. Patel is always on mine, as well. I’ve never even seen his face! No camera... on mute the entire time.

But as you said... back to the task at hand.

I’ll get 083951 in... I think I’ll split out the items inside and try to pull in any other relevant data. I’ll find the original cassette tape and make that its own entry, and do my best to make it make sense.

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
03.15.2024 23:52

Well, it made me laugh. I guess I’m right there with you in the maturity department.

It looks like this next batch is full of transient objects.

Let me make sure I’m caught up here; these are objects from a different reality? A different timeline?


L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
03.18.2024 14:46

Well, a spacetime deviation...

But yes... if we’re being bold and skipping on using the Institute’s proper lexicon, for all intents and purposes, you’re right. Honestly... we don’t know much about it. Well... by “we” I really mean “me and you”... I’m sure someone here knows much more than us minions in archives.

Anyway... everything we’ve ever found has been from the same time period. Never before 1970, never past 1999...