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Internal Communications

L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
05.01.2024 11:14

Huh. Ovando. So this is crazy...

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
05.02.2024 01:59

What is it? I’ve never heard of the place until now.

L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
05.02.2024 09:13

My Dad... he was always a super nerd. Always into gadgets and tinkering with shit. One day, during the summer, when I was a kid... 10 years old maybe. I was outside playing something with this boy that lived across the street. Naturally, I found a strange pleasure in torturing this kid because, well... I really liked him, I guess. Anyway...

I hear the distinct, unmistakable yell of my mother that somehow navigated its way through the neighborhood, like she knew exactly how to make it reverberate and echo and zig-zag its way, bouncing off every house right into my ears.

That means I need to be home, stat... so I race home on my bike through the swarms of lightning bugs and mosquitoes, walk through the front door, and there’s my Dad in the living room, setting up whatever his latest contraption is...

It’s a computer. Our first one.

He was so excited about it. He spent almost every night that summer teaching me how to use it, so by the end of the summer I thought I was a hot shit, techno-wizard or something.

Have you ever heard of a BBS? It’s like... the precursor to the internet. My dad was a part of all of these BBS servers for stuff he was into... music, especially.

He followed this one... shit. I can’t remember the name of it.

I’m really rambling here. Anyway! There was this whole thing with that BBS... the guy that started it... He went missing.

His car was found in Ovando.

I’m hazy on the details. This is a long, long time ago. I’m shocked I can even remember anything about this. I think that was one of the first times in my life I realized that bad things can happen to people. I guess it sort of stuck with me.