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Internal Communications

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
05.24.2024 01:30

Can I ask you something?

L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
05.28.2024 12:26

Maybe. Is it a stupid question?

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
05.28.2024 23:56


L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
05.29.2024 08:20

Perfect. Shoot.

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
05.30.2024 00:13

What brought you here?

L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
06.04.2024 12:01

Well, T, when two people love each other...

Just kidding. To the Institute?

Aside from the high hourly pay, stellar benefits, inspirational management, and the true calling that every little girl dreams of to digitize old, useless shit?

I guess I sort of fell into it... I needed a job, bad. You ever get that feeling that you have no skills to offer anyone? Imposter syndrome, I guess.

I still feel that way, a little bit.

Anyway... I was applying to anything and everything. I’d comb through job boards and after a while I wasn’t even looking at what I was applying for anymore. The Field Studies Institute just happened to be on the list. When I interviewed, they told me that I’d spend “97% of my time alone.” I thought that was weird...

Weird... but good. I’m okay with being alone.

And what about you, man of mystery? What brought you here?

L. Ashford [AD-1069-E]
06.11.2024 12:01

Hey... circling back, as they say. You there?

T. Novak [AD-5577-E]
06.14.2024 04:19

Can you keep a secret?