↳ Index of /005213_hovering_eucalyptus
Global World Post

The Global World Post was a tabloid that was printed and sold within REDACTED REDACTED. A matchbook from Super EZ Mart, a convenience store within REDACTED REDACTED, was attached to the object when discovered, held together by a chewed piece of gum. Studies of DNA on the gum have revealed that it belonged to REDACTED REDACTED.
This transient object arrived at depth on the shores of New Jersey at Sandy Hook. Upon arriving, the Field Recovery Technician located the object at Gunnsion Beach, a popular local nude beach. To avoid suspicion, the Technician received management approval to remove his clothing. He then proceeded to recover the object with a shovel.
Policy 252-D was enacted after this event, allowing for Field Recovery Technicians to remove their clothing if neccesary to retrieve an object, providing they recieve management approval.
Catalog ID: 005213Bin: 3V
Discovered: 06.02.1995Location: Sandy Hook, NJ