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- 021891_payload_maneuvers_04
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The Garden of the Multiverse

The Garden of the Multiverse, a book written by Project SOMA Program Director Arthur Reese who, like Alan Trenchard and Dorothy Ross, went missing in the early morning hours of January 1st, 1970.
Within the book, Arthur Reese discusses his thoughts pertaining to the many-worlds interpretation, Einstein-Rosen Bridges, black holes, and other theoretical topics from the world of cosmology and physics.
In June of 1971, this transient object arrived at a local diner. The Field Recovery Technician on site asked the staff about a book that he had "accidently left", to which the staff responded in anger; they described a complaint by a patron who, after returning from the restroom, found the book between the bread of his pork roll, egg, and cheese sandwich. Assuming it to be a prank, the patron caused a tumultuous scene, forcing the establishment to cover the cost of his meal.
The Field Recovery Technician located the book in the restaurant's office with no further interference.
This book was originally published in 1964 in our local spacetime. It was subsequently reprinted within REDACTED REDACTED in 1977, which is the transient object we see in this databank.
Catalog ID: 021891Bin: 9U
Discovered: 06.04.1971Location: Jackson, NJ